New Opportunities


Eli walking beside Chris' chair on the trail

Perspectives are important. Maybe when you were in college or high school, you had to write various papers from different people's points of view. A story can look very different from another person's eyes. Think about the story of the three pigs. Someone wrote the story from the wolf's point of view. It was a funny take on an old tale. But the story looked much different. Our perspective on circumstances often dictates our steps, thoughts, and actions.

We talked recently about seeing our giants from God's perspective, where they look much smaller and more manageable than from our own perspectives. If we could just figure out how to see our challenges from His point of view, we'd have more room to praise Him, I think. But no matter what we face and what degree of a challenge we assign it, each one is a new opportunity to trust God.

As caregivers, every day can be a challenge, and we never know what's going to come up next. We are trying to manage our own lives, finances, and care while doing the same for another whole person (or two). We often juggle work, social lives (if we have one at all), and personal needs with caring for a loved one. There's no way it's an easy task. Sometimes, our emotions run high. For me, I find my eyes sweat a little more frequently than I am used to. (smile) Sometimes, I feel more frustration than I think I can handle. I have days I just want to sit, drink coffee, and stare at the wall. Not like I have a chance to actually do it - but that's how I feel. 

We can get so busy caring for someone else that we get lost in the process. What are we supposed to do with all these emotions, feelings, thoughts, and needs? During my private devotions this morning, I figured out that each new one and old, nagging ones too - are just opportunities to trust Him. I found myself in Psalm 31 again this morning. I spend so much time there - I wrote a whole devotional out of it! lol. David says three times that he will trust in the Lord. He said it three different ways. 

  • In You, O Lord, I put my trust. (v1)
  • But I trust in the Lord. (v.6)
  • As for me, I trust in You, O Lord. (v.15)
I want to seize every opportunity to trust God. Today is a great place to start. So, today, I declare I will put my trust in the Lord. I'll trust Him with every feeling, thought, and raw emotion that circumstances dig up. I commit to not wallowing around in those emotions, thoughts, or feelings. Instead, I'll turn them all into prayers - then praise to the God Who holds me, sustains me, and lifts me up. I'll take today as an opportunity to trust Him one more time. Will you join me?

31 Days in Psalm 31 Devotional

Come spend 31 days in Psalm 31 with me! This engaging 31-day devotional takes a look at 31 concepts out of the psalm. It's like spending 31 days with God in a cave! Check out the downloadable eBook on my Dove's Fire Ministries bookstore. Or order it on Kindle or in print from my Amazon Bookshelf. 

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