Scared of the Dark

As I was finishing up yesterday's devotion, I wanted to say that God isn't scared of the dark. I stopped myself as I knew I'd get all ramped up and just keep on writing. But my mind stayed on that thought for a large part of the day. I thought about how He is not afraid to meet us in the dark, hidden parts of our hearts and minds. Nothing gets too ugly for Him! Our Bible heroes from yesterday were Paul and Silas, who had been put in prison for preaching the gospel. God wasn't afraid to show up and show out for them there, no matter how dark it must have been when they chose to start singing at midnight. From there, my mind went to so many stories where God wasn't afraid of the dark. I thought about Joseph sitting in prison for something he didn't even do. God was there. I thought about Daniel being thrown into the lion's den, where he spent all night. When the king opened the mouth of the den in the morning and asked if he was okay and if his God had sav...