Set Up the Tent!


This morning, I found myself in Psalm 118. I was actually headed to Psalm 119. I know it's the longest chapter in the Bible, but man is it rich! But before I could get to it, my eyes fell on the column before. I read verse 15 of Psalm 118 which says this: The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tents of the righteous. I paused to think about this for a little bit and focused on three words: rejoicing, salvation, and righteous.

It just kind of makes sense that rejoicing and salvation belong in the tents of the righteous. But I backed up a few verses and found out that the writer just stated that the enemy had surrounded him. Verses 10 through 13 painted a rather dire picture with a glimpse of faith and light. The psalmist says all nations surrounded me - but in the name of the Lord I will destroy them. They surrounded me, yes they surrounded me; but in the name of the Lord I will destroy them. They surrounded me like bees...

Talk about feeling pressed on every side! Ever feel that way? Boy, I do! Our tasks and responsibilities can feel overwhelming as caregivers. We can feel surrounded for sure - pay this bill, make this appointment, order these supplies, etc. At times, it can be our emotions that surround us - who needs an "enemy"? Caregivers can feel overwhelmed with pain, grief, and fear. It can seem like our emotions are pulling us this way and that. Now, obviously, we don't want to "destroy" our emotions. lol. But we do know that when we feel surrounded, we have a refuge. We have a safe place to go - and that is our salvation, isn't it? I can't tell you how many times I've dumped my emotional overload on God's broad shoulders. And you know what, He's never rejected them or handed them back. 

Even when we are surrounded, overwhelmed, or uncertain we can still rejoice. How is that? Well, I'm glad you asked. I thought about his phrase for a while this morning. The voice of rejoicing and salvation are in the tents of the righteous. Even the caregiver's tent! How could that be? Because our righteousness is His gift to us. His salvation is a free gift to us - it just costs us a bit of faith, which He also gave to us.(Romans 12:3) The things God gives us cannot be taken away or shaken by circumstances. No matter how dire or difficult our situations become while we are on this earth - His free gifts stand. And that is cause for rejoicing!

Nothing can remove His salvation, His hope, His peace, His righteousness. His work is complete and secure - and in that, I can rejoice!

Today, I will set my mind on the things He has done that cannot be changed. I'll meditate on His righteousness, His peace, and His love. I'll think about how He doesn't withdraw any of His gifts or promises from caregivers. There will be rejoicing in my tent today as I think about His great love for me. There may even be a little bit of singing and shouting as I realize that His love for me is so secure tragedy, trials, or tribulation cannot shake it! Man, that's awesome! I'll think about His steadfast love all day as I trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?

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Check out my ebook store where you'll find these "I Will" Declarations from Psalms for just a buck! Download it today! I also have devotionals, study guides, poetry books, and free stuff! My Amazon bookshelf has some of these books on Kindle and for print - check them out!


 Is it just me or does it seem like each day gives way to millions of thoughts? They aren't all bad - and that's a good thing, right? It just seems sometimes that there are so many things that happen over the course of 24 hours. My mind sometimes races from one thought to the next. Sometimes, it's dangerous. lol - Sometimes, it's calming. 

Last night, for instance, my son had a mild asthma attack. My mind and emotions went a million directions all at one time as I packed Chris' tube feeding supplies and my coffee pot with coffee pods. (The two essentials for hospital stays!) He was able to kick it, and soon settled into a good night's sleep. 

I wish I could say that I'm in a place where those seemingly little things don't trip me up or send me off the emotional cliff. Maybe you've got it all together, but I'll gladly admit my lack. I wish I had it all together - whatever "it" is. But I do not. What I do know, though, is that each time my circumstances start tripping me up emotionally and mentally, I have the opportunity to refocus. That's not to say it's always easy. Not at all. But once I settle down a bit and realize we lived ...again, then I can get my mind back on how He continues to carry me and my son.

It was so easy last night to give in to fear. I talked myself through all the what-ifs, have you ever done that? Once I walked through them mentally, I thought of all the times He had brought me through. Then, I was able to slowly refocus on His ability to care for me - and the feelings of not being enough, the fears, and what-ifs, began to fade away. He really is our help. (Psalm 121:2) He really is our strength. He really will carry us when we need it. Refocusing on what He can do instead of on what I can't do - brings peace. We are secure in Him.

Today, I will refocus on His strength. I will let my weaknesses drive me to Him so He can share His strength with me. My meditations will be of His sustaining power, of His willingness and ability to carry me. And I'll be thankful for how He watches over me - no matter where I am - home or hospital, or anywhere in between. will you join me?

Small Things


Sometimes, it's the smallest things that make the biggest impact. There's no doubt that our days are tough, even though we chose this walk. Of course, I didn't choose for my son to have a wreck, but I did choose to care for him at home. My aunt, I cared for but I had to have the help of a facility. No matter what our circumstances are, it's still no easy road. But sometimes, there are these tiny little happenings that make it "all better" if only for a moment.

This morning, I went out and looked at my little $12 flowers. I smile each morning as I pull off the dried blooms and look for all the new ones. There is something so refreshing about it, that I can't explain it. Growth and beauty change the way they look each day. I have to wonder if God tends to us the same way. 

Don't you think He looks on and enjoys our progress as we grow in trusting Him? He waters His garden and cares for the things He sees blooming in our lives. Maybe it's faith. Maybe it's self-control, endurance, or just in knowing Him a little more each day. (2 Peter 1:5-8) I think about how much joy these little flowers have brought into my days, and I have to think we give Him much joy too. I'm pretty sure it's a lot more for Him than these flowers give me. lol

I've quoted and used Isaiah 58:11 a lot. It's a promise to those who forsake their wicked ways and stop oppressing the poor and helpless. To those who help feed the hungry. The prophet says their light will shine out and God will guide them. Then it says they'll be a well-watered garden. I wonder, who is doing the watering?

I'm guessing it'd be God, right? As we lean into Him, trust Him more, and become more like Him each day - as He reveals the Son in us - He takes away the dead blooms so He and the world can see the beautiful new ones unfolding. All of this - as we are growing in Him. We are His well-watered garden. We bring Him much joy - just like we are. Just where we are.

Today, I'm going to think about how His hand reaches down to water my life. He spends just as much time and effort (so to speak) tending to His caregivers as He does for everyone else. Maybe more, lol. I'm going to remind myself today that I am His. He cares for me - no matter how crazy my day may become. I can still rely on Him to reach into my life and make a difference as He touches my heart. So, I can trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?


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Check out my bookstores. I have eBook devotionals, Bible study guides, poetry, and more in my Dove's Fire Ministries bookstore. My Amazon bookshelf has a couple of those in print or on Kindle.

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Flowers Die when Fruit Grows

I have a bunch of indoor plants, and with spring came a new burst of outdoor plants. They are on my front patio. One of the plants is a pepper plant. Over the last few days, I noticed a new bloom. I was so excited! This morning as I was out tending my plants, I noticed the bloom was dying, and there is another bloom! I looked at the dying flower with a little sadness, since I'd enjoyed its brief burst of color. But then I had this thought if the flower is dying - that means a habanero pepper is coming!

My short sadness turned into elation as I realized I will get some fruit for my labor. I just stood and stared at the two flowers. One brand new this morning and the other fading away. As I looked at the two blooms, I wondered how many times we grieve over things we perceive as dying - when it's something God has designed to bring fruit?

caregivers often live with lots of grief. We can sense huge losses every single day. Many of us live with what is called "living grief." This type of grief can take many forms. For some, it's grieving over a parent you see slipping away one day at a time. For others like myself, it is seeing the body of my son here, but who he was has been left in the past. Others deal with this type of grief over a child or loved one they never had the opportunity to enjoy watching the normal stages of growth with. 

It's no comfort to me to understand that the painful transitions in life are yielding fruit if I'm honest. So, I have to adjust my thinking a bit to see how God is still working His purpose in my broken life. All death doesn't mean an end. It is a new beginning. Over the next few days, I'll enjoy watching that orange pepper grow. I bet that's what God does with us, don't you?

While we are grieving our losses (and that is healthy and natural!), He's watching the fruit develop as part of the process. I know caregiving has changed me. Some good. Some bad. lol - But as a person, I've grown so much. I've learned to trust God more, to hold on to Him more tightly. I'm still learning to let His grace work in my life, let mercy help, and let His peace reign. While I like the pretty pictures in life like those habanero blooms, the fruit will sustain and nourish, a flower will not. Don't get me wrong - the flower has a purpose. We need "pretty" when life gets ugly. But fruit has a purpose too.  

Today, I will remind myself that when something dies - it's not the end. I'll turn my sense of loss into thoughts of gratitude for God's sustaining me until I can bear fruit for His kingdom. I'll be thankful for all the "pieces" of life that work together to make me whole in Him. My meditation will be on all the work He does to sustain this little plant I call life. And I'll trust Him to work in me for one more day - will you join me?

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Check out my ebook store where you'll find these "I Will" Declarations from Psalms for just a buck! Download it today! I also have devotionals, study guides, poetry books, and free stuff! My Amazon bookshelf has some of these books on Kindle and for print - check them out!

The Dream of an 8-Hour Day

 I'm starting to wonder what it's like to work an 8-hour shift - then just go home. lol. Many caregivers work an outside job plus caring for their loved ones. For others, their "8-hour job" is caring for their loved ones. But in today's world, it seems like just a far-off dream. But occasionally, I let my mind wander about what it would be like to just go to work - then come home. I vaguely remember something about it, but it seems so far away.

A caregiver's day is usually full of all sorts of stuff. Many of you, like myself, work online while caring for your loved ones. But it is certainly a juggling act most days. Trying to get everything done for my son plus keeping my clients happy is a huge chore. Additionally, I need to eat right (I plan his meals, right?), get adequate amounts of sleep, and drink enough water. Oh, and don't forget to get at least 20-30 minutes of exercise each day. We need 15-20 minutes of sunshine too... I'm tired and overwhelmed just thinking about all that. My thoughts circle back to that elusive 8-hour day...

Caregiving is so easy - said no one, ever! No matter what level of caregiving you are at - full-time, part-time, long-distance, short distance, or in your own home, it can eat your lunch. Am I right?

Yet at the same time, it's so rewarding to love someone enough to lay down all your desires, needs, wants, and dreams just so you can take care of them. It's admirable. And it's like Jesus. He literally died for us so we could be righteous and free from condemnation. I was talking to a fellow writer at the local Christian writer's group I meet with once a month. She was asking a lot of questions about caregiving, and the decisions that had to be made to be where we are today. 

I likened it to the decisions Jesus made to stay on that cross. As painful as it was - His love for us held Him there. Similarly, my love for my son holds me at his side. And your love for your caregivee keeps you in a place where you can take care of them. Are we perfect? Well, I'm not. lol But I'm still here. No matter how hard it gets - I still take care of Chris and I still pursue God's heart.

Today, I'm going to think about how much love it took for Jesus to submit to the cross, then stay on it even when it hurt. I'll be thankful as I consider how much He really does love us. I won't fight the gratitude I feel when I think about how He saw you and me - the joy - set before Him so He chose the route of the cross. He also wanted to please the Father. I think our actions please Him too. Don't you?


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Check out my bookstores. I have eBook devotionals, Bible study guides, poetry, and more in my Dove's Fire Ministries bookstore. My Amazon bookshelf has a couple of those in print or on Kindle.

Download Poems for Caregivers for free! 

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And God Waits

pushing chris in a race

In yesterday's post, I talked about how God is not scared of our circumstances. Well, this morning, I awakened a bit later than I planned after an up and down night. (I know you know about those nights...) All the things I need to get done today started running through my mind. I have an urgent project that must be completed today, a meeting with a new client (yay for more work!) at 9 this morning, my regular daily devotions, and beautiful grandchildren I'll watch for a couple of hours. Did I even mention all the regular caregiving duties in there? lol

My mind seemed chaotic as I grabbed my first cup of coffee and my laptop to get started working on the urgent project. While I was working, my mind was running through the day's planned activities. I told Chris he'd get to sleep in a little later since I have a meeting at the time I normally get him up. I started adjusting all my tasks last night actually because I knew this morning would be hectic.

As I turned my thoughts into prayers, I had this image of God standing over by the wall. What was He doing? Just waiting. My mind went to Isaiah30:18. It tells us that God is waiting on us. He waits to be gracious and merciful. His desire is to pour His mercy and grace out on us and our situations, so He waits for us to get it. He is not wringing His hands, biting His fingernails, or worried about a single thing. He patiently waits for us to be ready to receive. He waits for us to come to His throne of grace - to get the mercy we need! (Hebrews 4:16)

Our job then is to slow our minds down enough to recognize that He's just waiting to help. He is patient in His waiting - but so eager to jump in with His mercy, grace, peace, comfort, and any other help we may need today.

Today, I will purposefully turn my thoughts into prayers. I'll make my soul wait for Him and rest in Him. My meditations will be of Him waiting for me to "get" that He wants to be an active part of my life - today! Here. Right now. And I chose to let Him - will you join me?

Today's FB Live devotion:

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Check out my ebook store where you'll find these "I Will" Declarations from Psalms for just a buck! Download it today! I also have devotionals, study guides, poetry books, and free stuff! My Amazon bookshelf has some of these books on Kindle and for print - check them out!

God Ain't Skeered

I got up early this morning and had my private devotions, then worked on my latest devotional, "Peace Out! It's in the Bible!" Hopefully, I'll get it done and released in the next couple of weeks. As I was working through some of the scripture passages, I began to realize all the things that have been lingering on my heart. There's a lot, really. Lots of questions. Lots of thoughts. Lots of wonderings. Lots of doubts, and a few fears mixed in here and there. To put it mildly, I was overwhelmed with lots of "what-ifs."

Following my own devotionals, I started listing them to God. It felt like I was handing Him each and every one. I handed Him all the good stuff, bad stuff, funny stuff, hard stuff, questionable stuff, and more. I didn't realize how much I'd been packaging "stuff" up in my heart. Then, I followed my own advice and just let His peace take over the reign of my heart. I felt so much better.

The whole process got me to thinking. What does God do with all that "stuff" we give Him? I know He gives us peace and comfort - restores joy, and brings healing to those areas. But I had a lot of stuff today. It then hit me that He's not scared of all my stuff. My most frightening emotions are not overwhelming to Him. My greatest fears are not too much for Him to handle. He doesn't sit there with a checklist marking items off, or interrupting to say, wait - I can't take that. That image is kind of funny to me. He doesn't match up our stuff and qualify each of them before He takes them. He ain't skeered of anything I've dug up yet! He takes it all.

Every fear, every doubt, every question, every what-if, every everything. He is not scared of any of my crazy thoughts or feelings. He's not even afraid of those things we are not sure how to express with words. The kind that leaks out as tears. He takes those too. Without a complaint, without condemnation, without guilting us - or asking us to explain. He listens. He takes them all no questions asked. Then, He replaces all that with peace. Amazing, isn't it?

How is it that we can trust God with all the things on our hearts? For caregivers, that's a lot, huh? He won't turn us away. He won't tell us it's just too much or too little. God just takes everything we are willing to give Him and exchanges it for an equal measure of peace.

Today, I will continue to give Him all my emotional baggage, my fears, doubts, strains, stresses, and worries. I'll remind myself that He is big enough to carry it all. My meditations will be on how He provides me with peace when I give it all to Him. My choice today is to let that peace - His peace, reign in my heart. Will you join me?


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Check out my bookstores. I have eBook devotionals, Bible study guides, poetry, and more in my Dove's Fire Ministries bookstore. My Amazon bookshelf has a couple of those in print or on Kindle.

Download Poems for Caregivers for free! 

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Honesty Goes a Long Way!

 I think one of the things I love about the Psalms is how open and honest the psalmists are about their feelings. They don't seem to hol...