Small Things


Sometimes, it's the smallest things that make the biggest impact. There's no doubt that our days are tough, even though we chose this walk. Of course, I didn't choose for my son to have a wreck, but I did choose to care for him at home. My aunt, I cared for but I had to have the help of a facility. No matter what our circumstances are, it's still no easy road. But sometimes, there are these tiny little happenings that make it "all better" if only for a moment.

This morning, I went out and looked at my little $12 flowers. I smile each morning as I pull off the dried blooms and look for all the new ones. There is something so refreshing about it, that I can't explain it. Growth and beauty change the way they look each day. I have to wonder if God tends to us the same way. 

Don't you think He looks on and enjoys our progress as we grow in trusting Him? He waters His garden and cares for the things He sees blooming in our lives. Maybe it's faith. Maybe it's self-control, endurance, or just in knowing Him a little more each day. (2 Peter 1:5-8) I think about how much joy these little flowers have brought into my days, and I have to think we give Him much joy too. I'm pretty sure it's a lot more for Him than these flowers give me. lol

I've quoted and used Isaiah 58:11 a lot. It's a promise to those who forsake their wicked ways and stop oppressing the poor and helpless. To those who help feed the hungry. The prophet says their light will shine out and God will guide them. Then it says they'll be a well-watered garden. I wonder, who is doing the watering?

I'm guessing it'd be God, right? As we lean into Him, trust Him more, and become more like Him each day - as He reveals the Son in us - He takes away the dead blooms so He and the world can see the beautiful new ones unfolding. All of this - as we are growing in Him. We are His well-watered garden. We bring Him much joy - just like we are. Just where we are.

Today, I'm going to think about how His hand reaches down to water my life. He spends just as much time and effort (so to speak) tending to His caregivers as He does for everyone else. Maybe more, lol. I'm going to remind myself today that I am His. He cares for me - no matter how crazy my day may become. I can still rely on Him to reach into my life and make a difference as He touches my heart. So, I can trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?


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