And God Waits

pushing chris in a race

In yesterday's post, I talked about how God is not scared of our circumstances. Well, this morning, I awakened a bit later than I planned after an up and down night. (I know you know about those nights...) All the things I need to get done today started running through my mind. I have an urgent project that must be completed today, a meeting with a new client (yay for more work!) at 9 this morning, my regular daily devotions, and beautiful grandchildren I'll watch for a couple of hours. Did I even mention all the regular caregiving duties in there? lol

My mind seemed chaotic as I grabbed my first cup of coffee and my laptop to get started working on the urgent project. While I was working, my mind was running through the day's planned activities. I told Chris he'd get to sleep in a little later since I have a meeting at the time I normally get him up. I started adjusting all my tasks last night actually because I knew this morning would be hectic.

As I turned my thoughts into prayers, I had this image of God standing over by the wall. What was He doing? Just waiting. My mind went to Isaiah30:18. It tells us that God is waiting on us. He waits to be gracious and merciful. His desire is to pour His mercy and grace out on us and our situations, so He waits for us to get it. He is not wringing His hands, biting His fingernails, or worried about a single thing. He patiently waits for us to be ready to receive. He waits for us to come to His throne of grace - to get the mercy we need! (Hebrews 4:16)

Our job then is to slow our minds down enough to recognize that He's just waiting to help. He is patient in His waiting - but so eager to jump in with His mercy, grace, peace, comfort, and any other help we may need today.

Today, I will purposefully turn my thoughts into prayers. I'll make my soul wait for Him and rest in Him. My meditations will be of Him waiting for me to "get" that He wants to be an active part of my life - today! Here. Right now. And I chose to let Him - will you join me?

Today's FB Live devotion:

I Will declarations book cover

Check out my ebook store where you'll find these "I Will" Declarations from Psalms for just a buck! Download it today! I also have devotionals, study guides, poetry books, and free stuff! My Amazon bookshelf has some of these books on Kindle and for print - check them out!

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