I Am More Than A Caregiver

Sometimes people forget that we are more than just a caregiver. They don't take the time to get to know us. They only see the surface, and choose to only know us on that level simply as a caregiver.

But we are still real people! Some of our own dreams are even still in tact. We still like to socialize and have a cup of coffee or tea with a friend. Maybe we write, read, cry and laugh just like everyone else. There is so much more to us than just caregiving. Actually there's a whole inside structure that even caused us to be a caregiver to a loved one to begin with.

We still enjoy all the finer things of life that we did before our lives changed. But people don't really always know quite what to do with us. And many times do not take the time to find out! I'm not making a negative here - it's mostly true that they are not sure quite what to do with us! And not so much don't want to..

But I am thankful that God still sees our heart. Psalm 139 says that He is intimately acquainted with all our ways. He takes the time to know us through and through. When people are not sure what to do with us - He is sure! He knows everything about us down to what makes us tick and even our every thought! He's big enough to love us - carry us - and still want to know us! He knows how much more there is inside this packaged caregiver! Let Him enjoy you today!

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Wait, There's More

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