
Showing posts with the label Micah 6:8

A Humble Walk

We have a humbling job in caregiving. We don't often talk about some of the baser things we have to deal with. It's obviously not acceptable on a social level, and seriously, how would those sorts of things work into a conversation? lol When most people see us, we're all cleaned up, dressed up and presentable. There are very few people who see us up walking the floor at night, carrying out the odorous trash bags, ordering incontinence supplies and all the little nitty-gritty things that go into just one of our days. I've yet to have anyone take me up on walking through a day with me from start to finish. Finish? What's that?  We truly want to protect the dignity of our loved ones, so there are some things, they  may never know. It can be very humbling to take care of a whole person. It's also an honor, but when I am taking care of some of the more personal stuff, my thoughts can go crazy. Here I am doing this, and I thought I was called to the mission field....

It's So Simple, Really!

Last night I was conducting a Bible study via skype and there were some questions asked about the old Law and if they are all applicable. She asked if there would be a big difference when she gets over to the New Testament, since she's presently reading the Bible all the way through. Immediately I thought of two or three scriptures in the Old Testament that are what I call sums it all up passages.  We took a look at Micah 6:6-8. Micah is meditating on what God requires. He asked rhetorically if God is pleased when we bring Him rivers of oil , or if we present before Him thousands of rams ... And then he goes on in verse 8 to talk about what is pleasing to the Lord...   do justice love mercy walk humbly with your God...   And that about sums it up! For many caregivers we literally cannot do all the religious things like going to church, singing in the choir....etc. For us, and anyone else who wants to live a life humbly before our God this lets us know how much s...