
Showing posts with the label carrying us

The Faithless are Faith-Filled

I was reading in Galatians this morning about the fruit of the spirit and the deeds of the flesh. My thoughts ran along the lines of how whatever fruit we exhibit shows everyone what we've been trusting, following and believing. That doesn't seem fair for the caregiver I don't think. Seriously, I know we are still  accountable - but it's like life is stacked against us. I'm speaking somewhat in jest - but does God really expect us to be patient?   And then it's tested on a daily basis - aides don't come or call, supplies are on back order again , chair malfunctions, or our loved one is just cranky and we can't fix it. It all adds up and it can keep us on the edge all the time. Love? Everyone? Personally, forgiving the young man who caused the wreck (and it was a true accident) is a daily thing sometimes. He virtually took my son away and yet it is my spiritual responsibility to forgive and restore. That's not easy - but it's do-able. Then