
Showing posts with the label soul desperation

Seek and Ye Shall Find?

For the last few days I've been reading and meditating on Psalm 42. The first verse has been made into choruses and songs many times and is very familiar: As the deer pants for the water - so my soul longs after You.  It seems to me that this beautiful verse has been romanticized and adapted to the corporate worship setting- like we are seeking an experience corporately. But that does not make a lot of sense when read along with the rest of the psalm. We have to look at some of the other phrases throughout the passage to get a sense of the desperation of the soul of the writer. Our faith simply cannot allow us to overlook some of the heart-wrenching phrases such as: Day and night I have only tears for food My heart is breaking Why am I discouraged? Now I am deeply discouraged Why have You forsaken me? Why must I wonder in darkness oppressed by my enemies? Most of these are followed with encouraging answers such as: I will put my hope in God! I will praise Him ...