You Belong

As caregivers, sometimes it can feel like we and our loved ones stick out like a sore thumb. This is especially true if we have the luxury of social events. Even yesterday I was pushing Chris around our apartment complex and could feel the stares of other residents. Two beautiful wide-eyed children asked what was "wrong" with him and so we have a brief and simple conversation. Cute kids. But it added to those feelings of being "different." You know? But I found something this morning as I was doing my morning devotions. I ended up in Psalm 24. I was looking for verse four about having clean hands and a pure heart. But of course, I started at the first. The very first verse grabbed me at the heart. It says this: The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to Him. (NLT) I just kind of froze there and read and reread that one verse and let it sink into my heart. The earth is His. Everything in it is His. The people (us - th...