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This morning my devotions led me to the gospel of John and I found myself reading through familiar chapters. I've always enjoyed 14-17, they are mostly Jesus' words and each verse seems to be so rich. But today I landed in chapter 15, verse 26. The New Living Translation interpreted it this way: But I will send you the Counselor - the Spirit of Truth. He will come to you from the Father and will tell you all about me. My Bible has a footnote on "Counselor" which elaborates a bit. It says: or Comforter, or Encourager, or Advocate, Greek Paraclete. Today - this made my day! There are two things that stuck out to me, first of all that Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth which to me means when I embrace Him I embrace truth. I won't be looking for words that just make me feel good, half-truths or anything but truth as I seek Him. The second thing is that there are so many interpretations of the Greek word, Paraclete. Holy Spirit is sent to us, but He also...