Not A Sin!

I spent a large portion of my personal devotion time this morning in Psalm 19. In the first few verses, David is lost in God's creation. He's taking a look at nature and how it is constantly declaring God's glory. If we miss it - that's on us! I stopped to meditate on the last part of verse 4 which in the New Living (1996) translates it this way: The sun lives in the heavens where God placed it. That's think-worthy! As David is meditating on the wonders of creation, his mind begins to draw the connection between nature and the Word. It's the word that holds everything in place. David couldn't have read Paul's writings in Colossians, where he describes how God created everything and the Son (the Word John 1:1) holds it all together. What a neat thought! David got the connection though! Then, in verse 12, David seems to be repentant. He begins asking God to cleanse him of things he isn't even aware of that might be displeasing to God, the Creator. I...