Road to Emmaus

I love the Road to Emmaus story in the last chapter of Luke's gospel. But this morning, as I was reading it with fresh eyes, a couple of different things stood out to me. It's almost two stories in one since Jesus reveals Himself to the two walking on the road, then He does the same to the disciples later in the chapter. As He approached the two men walking toward Emmaus, He recognized that they were sad. Jesus asked them what they were concerned about. We know that God doesn't need to ask us questions just to obtain information. Lol. They began to share their deep grief with Jesus as the three continued to walk toward Emmaus. As they shared their viewpoints about how the Messiah had come, and they had been disappointed when He was killed, but now they were hearing that He had been raised from the dead. Jesus met them where they were in their belief system and in their doubts, and he began to explain all the OT prophecies pertaining to Him. Wouldn't that be an amazing ...