
Showing posts with the label social engagements

Hidden In Christ

When I was a teenager we memorized Galatians 2:20 for a missions project we were doing. I am not sure we really fully understood it. I'm not even sure that I can completely grasp it now! I'm okay until I get to the part about I no longer live.... But over the last few years as I have struggled with the loss of my life as I gradually was molded into a caregiver's life I think I started to understand it better. As caregivers our needs are not last; and for many of us our needs don't even make the list! (you know what I mean!!)We have turned down jobs, vacation opportunities, social engagements and pretty much traded in our lives to care for the one we love.  I'm thinking that caregivers can understand this concept of being dead, yet alive, and living in Him. As a caregiver what life we have is totally wrapped up in our loved one's life. Every aspect of our day is pretty much dictated by their needs. This even includes entertainment such as watching television