Hold Me!

Yesterday, I had to take my aunt to the doctor. There are good days and bad days it seems and yesterday was more difficult. That just means she needs more assistance doing simple things like walking and getting into and out of chairs and such. As I was helping her get up from a chair at the doctor's office, she faltered just a bit. At the same time, she thought for a second she was falling. She instinctually reached back for me and loudly said, "Hold me!" My heart melted in that second as I wanted to hold her, comfort her, and let her know she wasn't falling at all. I assured her that I was right there and she wasn't falling. As we proceeded to move down the hall I started thinking about that short instant. We find ourselves in situations, especially as caregivers, where we feel like we are going to fall. Maybe we are unsure of our steps or of our own selves. In that moment we cry out to the ultimate Caregiver - God. We say, "Hold me!" We may be ...