Just Read The Red Words!

Usually when I purchase a new Bible I make sure it has the words of Christ in red. Sometimes I like to just read the red words. I want to know what was important to Him. We tend to talk about the things that are important to us. Think about that a little. Trust me, I won't be long in a discussion on ballet, baseball or bacteria! I don't care and I won't have much to say at all. But if you start talking about football, the Bible or grandbabies  you got my attention and my input! So the red words tell us what was important to Him.

One of the first scriptures I learned on purpose is John 14:27. Jesus is talking to His followers about how He is living in them and how Holy Spirit will teach them and help them remember the things He said to them. Then he makes this statement that I have held on to for years Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.

I love that He gives us His peace - not the cheap or "peace with a hook" the world may offer. Just plain and simple we have His peace. And we do not have to be troubled even in adversity, because we have His peace! His peace has overridden my fears many times on this caregiving journey. Only He can wash away a long worrisome night and place peace there instead. So today - read the red words! And rest in His peace.

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