Through the Fire

Psalm 46 is full of all sorts of encouragement. Twice it mentions that God is with us. There is some comfort in just realizing that the Lord, the Creator of everything is walking through this fire with me. It doesn't always help me understand the purpose of the fire or why He didn't stop it from happening...but it is comforting to know that He will work His good pleasure in me even through the fire.

But verse one has always been a favorite for me. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble. 
Today, when I am overwhelmed, I will run to Him for refuge.
When I have decisions to be made, I will ask Him for wisdom.
If I feel I cannot carry the load,  I will seek His strength.
If I think I cannot take one more step, I'll make the next one toward Him...

He is our refuge and strength, I really do not know any other place where I can find strength for the care giving journey. I have to have His wisdom to know how to make all the decisions that must be made, medical and otherwise. I need Him and I will run to Him today when I feel overwhelmed.


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