We Are Not Alone

I just finished up a chat with a lady in a caregiver support group. She was so saddened that the church and friends had left her alone. She had experiences that are not unique to these types of situation. Lots of people are there when tragedy strikes but as it drags on into months and even years people drop off little by little.

Many times caregiving is a walk alone. There is a loneliness when you don't have the freedom to go grab a cup of coffee at leisure, or run to the store to grab a couple of items. You have to make a list and wait for the aid to come! Really your life was somewhat lost in the caregiving. There isn't the freedom to go out with friends, or even make new friends easily...it can be a very alone place.

But we have to remember that God said in Hebrews 13:5 that He would never leave or forsake us.  And actually, that is a quote from Deuteronomy 31:6! The feelings of alone-ness are real, being alone is not. However, it does help if we can occasionally talk to someone who really has skin on!

My daughter had a head on collision in 2001. She wasn't injured seriously but when I came upon the wreck since I was following shortly behind her...I didn't know that. After a short hospital stay I brought her home. I felt so alone. The church I was going to actually called me on Wednesday and asked me to do the service - music and teaching since they didn't feel well! Wow - that's crazy to me now! But during that time of not knowing if she was okay or not I wrote a song. Below are the lyrics... I hope they help us all remember today that we are not alone...

God can hear your heart  
when there's nothing left to say
He can hear your cry
when there's nothing left to pray

You are not alone
All hope is not gone
There's One you can call on
You are not alone...

God can hear your heart
When all that's left is a sigh
He can hear your cry
When all your tears are dry

You are not alone
All hope is not gone
There's One you can call on
You are not alone....

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