Songs of Deliverance

David talked about God encompassing us with songs of deliverance. Sometimes this can take on a very real look in our lives. On those days when we just don't feel like we can put one foot in front of the other He may do just this in some very unusual ways.

You know the drill. A normal day for the caregiver is full of all sorts of challenges that other families don't have to think about. It's full of transfers, feeding and just general care giving specific to the needs of the loved one. And many forget that on top of all the things that caregiving demands we still have to do the normal day to day things too like cook, clean and laundry.Add to our daily regime a sickness or anything else and it can be overwhelming. And that's not even giving considerations to financial aspects! Let's face it, we need His song!

Last night in a dream I actually had a friend singing me a song "she wrote." Now she is not a song writer or even a singer and the song was one I'd never heard (that's why she was teaching it to me lol!). All I can remember is trying to play it on the keyboard and her singing to me about His mercy! When I woke up I felt like this psalm was so true for me today that He had given me a song in the night, and surrounded me with songs of deliverance.

But the other truth that I captured in the night was that His mercies are new every morning. Now He had to have put that in there just for us humans. He doesn't have a "morning" - it's always day, today for Him. We are the ones who need the mornings and the fresh starts! So today think about these scriptures - He surrounds us with songs of deliverance and His mercies are new every morning. That means that this morning we can see His renewed mercies in our lives, and each day they will be brand new mercies to carry us through another day.


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