Happy Mother's Day! What are you thinking about today?

Holidays can be more stressful than "regular" days. I'm not sure why but it seems they can many times add some additional stress value to the day! And sometimes it can be that it's just another day for the caregiver and that's what the stress is about. It can be for many reasons and in various areas of life that stress comes at a time that is supposed to e beneficial for families...but for the caregiver it can be just one more thing...

Today is a good day to work on directing our thoughts. We will no doubt spend some of the day in reflections about motherhood or our own mothers. And there can be some wonderful thoughts and memories stored away! But because of the delicate condition of our emotions it can end up with adverse effects. So after thinking and appreciating motherhood take your thoughts back to Philippians 4:8.

Paul told the Philippians to think about the good stuff! He said to keep our minds on what is pure and lovely. The easiest way to do this is to choose a scripture or an attribute of God and keep that at the front of our minds for the day. Sure, our minds will have to wonder around and perform many deeds throughout the day. But make that scripture, thought or attribute the reigning factor of the day and always bring your thoughts back to it. Seriously training our thoughts to stay on the things of the Lord will help our overall emotional and mental condition. In Isaiah 26:3 the Lord says I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Me. That's my project for today! Will you join me?


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