Healing the Wounds

No doubt life brings many wounds, I don't think anyone would argue with that. Many times they even come through well meaning (and not so well meaning ) friends! But then for the caregiver sometimes life just hurts!

This is where I was this morning when I woke up. There were tons of questions flooding my heart and mind and not one answer to be found. And it just hurts. There are so many whys and why nots. It can all be so frustrating and painful at the same time!

But while I was thinking and trying to find answers I realized that I just simply need Him. And I really can't work through it without Him. And so these lyrics came into my mind and I wrote them down. Within a few minutes I had a song written entitled simply, Holy Spirit I Need You. Here's the lyrics and you can see the video on my facebook page if you want.

Holy Spirit I Need You
to come touch my heart and make it brand new
without You I really don't know what to do
but I know I'm in desperate need of You!

And so I'm waiting...
I'm waiting here for You
to comfort...Wipe away the pain
and restore the joy like when you first came.

How it helps to simply recognize our need for Him. By many people's standards being so needy  can seem weak - but it truly brings us strength to carry on when we realize how desperately we need Him! So go ahead and need Him today!

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