Looking At Today

Each day we get up - seems to look a lot like yesterday. Most days seem to be the same and it seems silly to expect anything different of today. Sometimes it seems that days are cyclical and just go round and round again with identical tasks repeating themselves...and so we face another day...

It can be easy to get emotionally sucked in when days seem to be the same. And just as easy to sink into the longing for days gone by - you know, back when we had a real life. Back when we could come and go at will and enjoy the park or the zoo for an afternoon. And other luxuries such as shopping for groceries without watching the time so closely, or catching an afternoon movie.But letting the thoughts run freely through the freedoms that have been lost will only bog us down...we really must move into today and embrace it. It's not the grieving over our lost past that causes the biggest problem; it's thinking it will always be this way that gets to us.

Jesus said in Matthew 6:34 do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will take care of itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. This is good advise which if followed will help us stay ahead of the little game our emotions can play with us. We must keep our thoughts focused on what He wants to do with us today. And while planning for the future is wise and necessary sometimes taking care of today the best we can is the wisest option!

Let's embrace today and make it the best today we can. The responsibilities of today can easily keep us distracted from what He is doing in us. But we must remember that what we see is very temporal. He continues His eternal work in us - His truth is not disrupted or distracted by the facts we see around us. He who began a good work in us - will complete it! That's worthy of meditation today!

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