Are You Comfort - Able?

Yeah, I know I sort of made up a knew word, comfort-able is not the proper spelling but it conveys the thought...or should in a minute when I get done! lol! The cares of the day can start very early in the morning and last long into the night for caregivers. And for some it can also mean a sleepless night, even at best sleep may be broken up into little pieces. Caregivers have to find some comfort somewhere.

Most of  the ones who are reading a "devotional" will probably admit that God is the source of comfort. Jesus even said in John 14:16 that He was sending us the Comforter. That the Holy Spirit would walk with us and help us. But the question today is this: are you comfort-able?

Will you allow the Lord to bring comfort to your soul? We don't like to think about it - but it will require some action on our part as well. We will have to make up our minds to slow down for a minute, and let Him comfort our souls. In Psalm 46:10, David penned, Be still and know that I am God.

Today make yourself comfort-able, able to be comforted. He is not going to chase us down and pour it in our soul. But when we stop even for a few seconds (because sometimes that's really all we have available) and know that He is God His comfort will encourage our soul. Be comfort-able!

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