Point of View

I was reading Oswald Chamber's My Utmost for His Highest  this morning. One of the subjects that he returns to a lot is abandonment to God. He speaks openly and honestly about this reckless abandonment to Him, total surrender. Honestly, the first thing that went through my mind was from here? Life as a caregiver hasn't too much left to give up sometimes! But then I realized we are really in the perfect spot to give it all to Him.

 Not one of our Bible heroes lived in ideal conditions. Joseph was in prison, Daniel was a captive, Jesus was born while kings were killing babies and beheading prophets. Even the early church thrived under much severe persecution! Why should the requirements change just because of our situations? No matter where we are in this journey of life we can give ourselves to Him. 

 We can give in to our circumstances so easily; I mean, face it - it's tough! There is not one thing that is easy or comfortable about being a caregiver...all the more reason to press into Him. In some ways it's such an opportunity to abandon to Him. Those who cannot attend church are actually in a great place to not be bound by the rigors of religion. There is no one to perform for! We are free to be totally hidden in Him.

 I have found this journey a little lighter when I look at it in this way. I can be hidden in Him without being hampered by religious obligations. I am free to live in Him because it's just me and Him - no need to worry about any one else's opinion! (they aren't here to judge!) I am free to give Him my all...no matter how small it seems it's still my all. Chose to live free today!

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