Believe that He Is...

Do you ever ask tons of questions? There's not really an expectancy of an answer on some of them,is there? I can usually get past all the questions but then sometimes they pop up so quick I can't even think about a real answer. There are tons of least for me. My mind gets foggy after awhile and I know He is not really going to rain down answers or miracles. Knowing that He can totally heal - but He doesn't - has been one of the most frustrating parts of my journey as a caregiver.

 Once the questions start it is easy to get sucked under by all the surrounding emotions. (of course that doesn't take much most days anyway! lol) And as I am looking for some of the answers in the Word - or just an answer I always come back to the same thing. I cannot not believe in Him. 

There's something in the core of my being that screams out There is a God! And even though there are no substantial answers to my many questions I can grab hold of Hebrews 11:6 - Without faith it is impossible to please Him. Those who come to Him must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. And that's such a good place to start. Just believing that He is.

when all of our theology is shattered - believe that He is. 
When we don't get any of our answers - believe that He is.
When the storm seems to last forever - believe that He is.

Today this will be my primary focus - believing that He is there for me today. We must trust that He is there and He is very aware of what is going on in our hearts and - just believe He is...

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