Caregiver's Fog

Ever just have a day (or series of days) where it's like you're walking around in a fog; it can be so dense you almost feel like you have to remind yourself to breathe? Those are the days where we just function to take care of our loved ones. It doesn't have to be the result of anything specific that happened...just a process that seems to recur every so often because of the day to day life of caregiving.

 After being in the caregiver's fog for a few days it just sort of lifts, doesn't it? And sometimes it is the smallest action on the part of another that causes it to go away: a simple phone card, a note in the mail - it doesn't take much for the fog to descend, but it doesn't take much for it to drift away either! And the funny thing is that it is just gone and the song in our heart warning either way - the song is gone, there's the fog, the fog is gone, there's the song! (you really aren't crazy! - it's the caregiver's cycle of emotions!!)

 As the fog started lifting for me this morning I had this one song, a simple chorus, that began running around in my heart. I didn't invite it, wasn't even looking for it; and I certainly didn't expect it. Just out of nowhere from the midst of the ascending fog came this old chorus from Psalm 27:14: Wait on the Lord and be of good courage He will strengthen your heart...

So that is what I plan to do at least for today... care to join me? We can wait on Him to strengthen our hearts one more time...for one more day - that's all we get at one time anyway!

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