His Signature

I have read the scripture Haggai 2:23 many times. In it, God is telling Zerubbabel that he was like the king's signet ring, the ring that the king uses to seal his signature. This ring is very valued and protected. Sometimes as caregivers we get so caught up in caring for someone else and concerning ourselves with protecting them, that we forget that the Lord protects us and considers us as valuable as a king's signet ring. Actually, the King values us as His signature here on earth.

If you take a quick look at the verses preceding this scripture you'll find that there was soon to be all sorts of turmoil going on. This is something we like to conveniently overlook when we are pulling out scriptures for ourselves. But God was assuring Zerubbabel that even in the midst of total chaos (which can be like many of our days!!) God still values him as much as His signature.

 The king's signet ring was his seal on a matter. It finalized it and no one could argue with it or change what had been sealed. We are His signature on the earth and He will protect our souls even in the midst of trials, temptation and turmoil! Remember today how valuable you are to Him!


  1. Amen! GOD is our greatest FATHER, HEALER and COMFORTER. HE is our everything! He measures us, equips us to be worthy for His kingdom.

  2. Yes indeed!! Thanks for reading my friend!!


Wait, There's More

 Today's title can be read a couple of different ways. I think maybe where a person is emotionally and mentally might influence how it&#...