My Hiding Place

This time of year can get very crazy real quick! For those who are shut in (or mostly shut in) it can be very difficult. Everyone is even busier trying to get all their shopping done and all the arrangements made for their celebrations. But for the caregiver many times, things do not change just because it is Christmas; or any other holiday for that matter. Because of the busy-ness even fewer people come or call. On one hand, it is understood; on the other the loneliness can deepen.

 But during this very busy time of year we must remember that He remains our hiding place. The psalmist said in Psalm 9:7: You are my hiding place; You preserve me from trouble; You surround me with songs of deliverance. And He does! Whether our lives have become extremely hectic this time of year, or extremely lonely He continues to protect us and to hide us in His shelter.

 I think the part I like even more about this verse is that while we are hidden in Him - He surrounds us with songs. I like to picture myself wrapped up in Him like a cozy, comfy, warm blanket all snuggled up and safe. (maybe sipping a cup of hot cocoa too!) And I quietly listen to Him sing about deliverance. Don't you like that picture? While sometimes my days seem too hectic to allow the image to remain too long in my head - it is a pleasant one for a few minutes! Today I will try to bring my thoughts back to this place: the place where I am hidden in Him. I think I like it that it is not all my choice; but His as well. As happy as I am to be snuggled up with Him, listening to Him sing over me - He is just as happy to have me there! Isn't that good to know? Relax today - rest in Him. Forget about the holiday - think about Him today!

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