When Others Don't Understand

Many people really do not understand the life of a caregiver. Of course, they should not be expected to if they have not lived it themselves. It puts a strain on every part of your being: body, soul and spirit. Some days are emotionally draining and many times there are many physical challenges for us as well. But as each day unfolds before us, we simply press on. In my personal blog I spoke of the three things that will always remain: faith, hope and love. They will not fail us. (I Corinthians 13:13) (www.macdingolinger.wordpress.com)

 As we have learned to embrace these three elements and let them carry us through we do some things that others just cannot understand. Like the nameless woman in Mark 14. She entered where Jesus and His disciples were dining and poured some very expensive perfume on his head. Everyone got mad, because they didn't understand...why would she waste the expensive perfume anointing Jesus? It could have been sold....

 But Jesus told the disciples in verse 8 - she has done what she could...isn't that all we do every day? We do all we can. And when others cannot understand why we can hold our heads up high and care for our loved ones - we just do what we can.

 Do you think it was difficult for her to let go of her expensive perfume? I have heard it said that this was her dowry. When she poured this out on the head of our Lord she was giving up the dream of every marrying. She wasn't just pouring out her possession - she was pouring out her future on Christ and as He said anointing Him for burial.

As we care for our loved ones, we gladly pour out our lives before Him. It's not about us, our future or any dreams. It's all about what is right in His eyes. As we perform our duties today let us pursue the heart of Christ and desire to have the humility and grace that this unnamed woman had. We pour our lives, dreams and hopes out before Him as we care for our loved ones. And while others cannot understand why we do what we do, we can understand that in our own way - we are ministering to Him!


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