Who Do You Compare To?

The life of a caregiver really cannot be compared to any other situation. And among caregivers each situation is so unique that it is really difficult to compare each one. All of us have some areas that our situation is better in some respect than others; and we also each have some worse areas than others. But really this is true in general.

 We all have such different circumstances and backgrounds that no two lives are exactly the same. There have never been two people anywhere that have had identical experiences. This is so even for children who grow up in a home together. My point is that we really cannot compare ourselves among ourselves and come up with any wisdom! (2 Corinthians 10:12)

 However, in Psalm 119:6 we do find a measuring rod with which we can determine where we stand in life. David says in v. 5-6: Oh that my actions would consistently reflect Your principles! Then I will not be disgraced when I compare my life with Your commands! I think many times we can get tripped up because we try to compare ourselves with lives that we consider normal.

And the scary part is that sometimes I catch myself comparing myself with my former religious self. You know - the one who could go to church, teach Sunday School and lead worship. But if we compare ourselves within the religious world we will never be good enough. Religion will set unrealistic goals; legalistic guidelines.

So today, let's think about comparing ourselves to the word. To compare means to look at what things are similar. A caregiver is not perfect - lol! But they do have some qualities that are comparable to the Word. You have laid down your life to care for another...You patiently work with your loved one displaying the grace and mercy of Christ...You must live selflessly...hidden in Him.

 As a caregiver we are not allowed what most people might call a normal life. But in the midst of the struggle and turmoil that can surround we have found His grace is still amazing.

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