How Could that Happen?

Jesus was having a discussion with his disciples as it is recorded in John 14. In verse 19, He is explaining that the disciples would be able to see Him, but the world would not be able to see Him anymore. Judas (not Iscariot) asked the question that would be on anyone's mind. How is it that we can see you and the world cannot? That was Jesus' opportunity to begin retelling them the things He'd been saying all along.

He spoke of loving the Father and keeping His word, how the Father would live in those who do that and the Holy Spirit's work. The he gives us verse 27. My peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. (NASB) And to that we must say, "Wow!" It does not matter what type of situation we are in as caregivers, we can have His peace in our hearts. It is possible to be in this daily turmoil and walk in peace. Our world is a painful world; there are many decisions that must be made and tasks that have to be done to care for our loved one who needs our assistance. Honestly, it can get to you after awhile! But His peace is there waiting to catch us!

 It does not matter that we do not understand His peace; and it matters even less that the world doesn't get it either! We can actually sit back and rest in Him when the rest of our world is falling apart. This verse has a promise and a command. (Jesus is can sneak those in rather easy..) He promises that He gives us a real peace that is nothing like the world has to offer...doesn't even come close. And then He tells us don't let. It is up to us to keep ourselves calm. And that is not always (or ever) an easy task. It takes a lot of faith and strength to look at the situation we live in and choose peace. But it is well worth the effort.

 Today, let us reach out and grab this provided peace. Decide to walk in His peace no matter what your eyes show you today. There's an old hymn that we used to sing. My kids grew up hearing me sing it. I sang it when they were sick, or scared. I remember sitting on the back porch of our house in the middle of the night one time holding my son who was having a horrible asthma attack. I sat out in the cold hoping it would help him breathe...and slowly rocked back and forth singing this tune. As a matter of fact - I sang it the other day when he was very still works!

Peace, peace wonderful peace
coming down from the Father above
Sweep over my spirit forever I pray
in fathomless billows of love..


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