Faith-filled Tears

Many times as caregivers, we walk around in a painful numbness. Are you familiar with it? It's like everything hurts until we go numb on the inside, but it still hurts. (You really won't be able to understand that unless you've walked it!) Of course, stopping for a day is not an option for many so we continue putting one foot in front of the other, continuing through the tasks that each day demands. That's not a complaint - just the way it is.

So what do you do when the situation is overbearing? When you are overwhelmed with the day? I think Psalm 61 can help out a little. I found myself singing it to my son last night. The psalmist says Hear my cry O God; give heed to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint, lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been a refuge for me, a tower of strength against the enemy. There really is faith in crying out to Him.

Last night the part that really stood out in my mind was the cry for Him to lead me to the rock. When we are overwhelmed (that's the old KJV translation) it can make it hard to find that place of refuge. Although that part of the verse had never stood out to me before last night I felt like I really needed Holy Spirit to lead me to the rock, I needed Him to help me find that place of refuge one more time.

Today allow Holy Spirit to lead you to the rock. Rest in Him and let Him bring comfort. Maybe the pain won't go away today; perhaps the numbing will continue to help shield it some - but in the pain allow Him to comfort your heart and soul. Allow Him to wash over you with His peace - allow Him to carry you...that's the epitome of trust. Crying out to Him is not a lack of faith - it's an indication that you still trust Him.

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