Who's Expecting?

There are a lot of scriptures about waiting on God. David used the phrase many times throughout the Psalms. A good book on waiting is Andrew Murray's Waiting on God. It's a 30 day devotional which uses a different scripture that pertains to waiting on Him for each day's devotion. It seems to me that for the caregiver there is a lot of that. For that matter, throughout our life time we will find ourselves in a situation where all we can do is wait on Him..

Psalm 37:7 says to wait patiently on Him. In all honesty, I must say that my waiting many times is far from patient. It's more whining, angry and frustrated waiting that eventually yields to a quiet and patient waiting!

But Micah 7:7 talks about waiting expectantly on the Lord. My first question of course would be expecting what? When my son was first injured I was waiting for the Lord to come in on a white horse and rescue us from the situation. Of course, that never happened...What are we waiting on then, if it's not to be rescued from the trial?

We wait on Him for hope itself many times. The next verse here in Micah talks about how we may dwell in darkness, but the Lord is a light for me! We wait for Him to shine His revealing light on our situation, for Him to pour His wisdom in to know how to deal with every situation that comes up every day. We wait for Him before we act out with the medical profession that seems to have forgotten us or is ignoring us! We wait for His peace throughout each trial that presents itself to us as caregivers each and every day.

Today, let us think about waiting on Him for our sustenance, our peace, wisdom to handle situations and our provision. He is more than able to handle our situation - and He is more than able to handle us in the midst of the situation! Trust Him for one more day!

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