Adversity Fit For A King

In 1 Samuel 30 the psalmist king David had found himself in a terrible spot. He had been running from Saul for years and had joined up with the Philistines. Remember them? They are the ones who sent out Goliath way back when David was just a kid. And now David found himself on their side of the field.Funny how ironic life can be. 

The trouble was that because of David's history of killing their giants and such, he was not to be trusted; or so they thought. Imagine this: they are on the verge of a historic battle and the warrior David has a hand itching that wants to grab a sword and go help them out. But their leadership told him that he could not go. Not so much because they didn't trust him; but the other soldiers might feel like they needed to watch their back with him on the battle field. They were still scared of him. They were also concerned that he would not be able to fight against his own people. They knew his heart.

So David begins his journey back to Ziklag. He and the men with him found that their homes had been burned to the ground and an enemy had come in and captured their families. Think of this picture that is given in verse 4 of chapter 30. David and all the men with him wept until they had no strength. Have you ever wept like that? I know I have.

Now to make matters worse the people who are with David are blaming him and talking about stoning him! (v6) He didn't quite look like the king God had promised...yet. It says David was greatly distressed. But David encouraged himself in the Lord. Quite honestly, there wasn't anyone else there willing to do it! I really cannot imagine being in this type of position. However, as caregivers it is very likely that we have seen much distress. And many times we end up walking much of the journey alone. This translates to no one being there to encourage us when we get discouraged. (At least no one is talking of stoning us...yet!)

There are days we must as the old saying goes pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps and keep caregiving. It's not going to take a break just because we need one! Today - if there is no one else there with you to encourage you - be strong. Encourage yourself in the Lord. Remind yourself that He is still with you. Be reminded that it is God that gives us heart-strength to carry on each day. Hum a song of praise, read a few scriptures, or say a prayer of thanksgiving - I assure you there is something to be thankful for each day. Whatever your method...take a few moments to encourage yourself in Him today - you're doing a great job!



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