Fully Armed

When we wake up in the morning we never know what a day is going to bring. Each day is filled with much uncertainty. Some days it feels like everything is a fight. You know? Trying to get aides who come on time - or show up period, dealing with government agencies and various types of health care providers can be draining. And of course all of that is on top of the difficulty of taking care of another.

Do you ever just get tired of fighting? I know I do. It can feel like we are struggling uphill simply trying to get others to do their jobs so we can do ours. Sorry I do not have a check list of how to make those sorts of things go smoother or faster! (Don't you know I wish I did!!?) But here's what I am thinking today.

If you get tired of fighting and struggling; just stand. In Ephesians 6 the apostle Paul told the church to stand. He did not tell them to progress, to struggle, to fight or to do anything else at all. He just said when you have done all , stand firm. (Eph 6:13b) Now tell me something - if you see someone standing fully armed having on all their fighting gear and armor - does it make sense to attack them? No way! When we are standing in God's armor (which is much stronger than our own...) we are fully armed for any attack or scheme the enemy of our souls might bring our way.

Today - meditate on standing in His full armor. Don't even think about fighting.. just think about standing there with the confidence that He has provided. You know we cannot lose this in the end, right? Today - Just stand!

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