The Keeper

Psalm 121 is a wonderful reminder of how He keeps us. It is not the health professionals who are our helper or keeper - it is the Lord. They can perform some wonderful services, but it is and will always be God who keeps us. As I reread this psalm yesterday I thought of my caregiving journey. As many, it had a traumatic start and has been a rather long one so far. But my thoughts went to how He has not failed to carry me.

There have certainly been times that I have been angry at God; times when my faith faltered greatly. But He has not failed to hold me even when my faith didn't hold up. He is the keeper of my soul. There is absolutely nothing that can harm the eternal part of me - He will hold me and keep me hidden in Himself.

These types of circumstances that makes caregivers out of us can definitely try our faith. There can be so many questions from the start - and really no answers to be found. This can be so very frustrating especially at a time when you feel your "life" has been jerked out from under you. We fumble around trying to make sense of a world that has suddenly changed only to find that our "world" now revolves around caring for someone else. Faith can seem so very foreign...

But the Keeper - just keeps on keeping us! He does not let go of our hearts no matter what we face in this life. He doesn't let go because our faith falters, He won't let go when we ask thousands of questions and doubt that He even exists. He will not turn us loose in those moments of great anger or deep grief. He just keeps keeping us.

Find comfort today in whatever you may be facing - He will not let you go. Today I am thanking Him for keeping me - no matter how I feel or what I face - He continues to keep...let Him keep you today.

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