No "Delete" Buttons?

Do you ever wish life had a "delete" button? Maybe even a "do over" button would be nice occasionally. There are times I feel like if I could do some things over I would either change the way I did them or not do them at all! Isn't it amazing that God does not feel that way...ever!

He never wishes He did something differently; and never hopes for do-overs. He knew everything would happen the way it has. He knew my faith would falter when great tragedy struck. He also knew of the times I would be angry with Him and silent before Him. He even knew I would question His existence. Actually, He knew every single question and doubt that would enter my heart and mind in the face of tragedy...but He did not give up on me! He did not cast me away and mutter words of disgust. He simply waited until I came back to the point where I could not live without His touch in my life.

Caregiving can place different levels of demand on us depending on the particular situation. However, no matter how involved it is - from total care to minimal assist - we must admit that our lives look nothing now like they did before. Romans 10:29 reminds us that the gifts and callings of God are irrevocable. He does not have a "delete" button. He will never stop loving us, caring for us and reaching toward us. Even when we are not sure what we believe about Him - He is constantly, consistently desiring to live in us, with us and through us!

So be encouraged today by the fact that God is not going to delete anything! His love and care will never wane...and He's not wanting any "do-overs" - He's simply waiting on you to walk with Him from wherever you are today.


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