Through the Pain

Trying to view God through the pain everyday brings can be so very difficult for the caregiver. This is partly due to the fact that the pain we are in never really goes away. Our hearts are always crying as we see our loved ones as they are...and not how, or even who, they used to be. It's heart wrenching and there is no rest from the pain. If we are not careful this can cloud our view of God; and foster many questions. lots of whys...

Job managed to see God through the pain and in the midst of heart wrenching circumstances. When at first all of his children were snatched away in just one day he fell to his knees and cried out to God in worship. I do not think he sang any of our nice little choruses we have today, nor did he sing a hymn. The turning to God in the pain  was the act of worship. It's so easy to do the opposite sometimes.

Then later in Job when his own body was in intense pain and agony he made a statement that baffles me. He said even though God slays me - I will yet trust Him. Is that trust? Is that faith? Perhaps it is the depth of worship. No song, no offering, no stained glass windows... just a heart so pliable in the hands of God that life itself does not even matter.

No matter how intense, deep or constant the pain in our hearts (and bodies) may be today let us turn our affection to Him...praise Him for Who He is...this is worship.

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