Can he say that?

This morning I picked up My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. He used a verse out of Joshua that I thought was very interesting. In chapter 24 verse 19 Joshua makes a statement that I guess I have totally overlooked all these years: You cannot serve the Lord. I  looked it up myself because I didn't think anyone could make such a bold statement. How could an individual, leader or not, tell someone that they were not able to serve God?

We are all too familiar with verse 15 where Joshua boldly proclaims that his house is going to serve God. But then he turns around and tells the people that they can't? Can he do that?

The people got serious about God when Joshua told them that God wasn't going to forgive them of their adulterous and idolatrous ways. (v.19) And in verse 21 they are adamant: we are determined to serve the Lord! At this point, Joshua tells them they are accountable for this decision and they must destroy all their idols and turn their hearts back to God.

We do not always recognize our idols because they are not made out of precious medals; but we have them. Maybe it's healing - we seek it more than we seek Him. Or for some perhaps it's prosperity - and we give our money to the white-washed preacher who says we'll be blessed for giving. Sadly, for many Western Christians - it's the church. Everything we know about God fits inside those four walls. And for those of us who do not fit the pattern -- they just shake their heads.  

What idol do you need to get rid of today? What takes your focus off of Him? Is it the fiery situation?  Service to the church? the basic pains of life?

Joshua 24:25 - So Joshua made a covenant with the people that day at Shechem committing them to a permanent and binding contract between themselves and the Lord. Who is your "contract" with? Is it with a church? a friend? a mentor or a minister? Break it.

Today I will refocus on Him. I will diligently search my heart and my life to see if anything has stolen my focus. Then I will give it back to Him. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

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