The Word at Work

As I sat down for my morning devotions over the weekend I found myself in 1 Thessalonians. One thing I noticed about both first and second Thessalonians is that Paul starts them both out mentioning the afflictions, trials, tribulations, and turmoil the church was going through. But even after acknowledging the conflicts and troubles the Christians were facing Paul offered some comforting words.

In the last part of 1 Thessalonians 2:13, Paul states:  the word of God which effectively works in you who believe. He did not make it seem like they didn't  believe just because they were facing troubles and trials. He actually encouraged them by acknowledging the fact that they are still believers and the Word still works in them.

Sometimes "church people" can make it seem like if you are in a trial or tribulation you do not believe or at least you don't have faith. Paul indicated no such thing here to the Thessalonians. You know, it's not like Holy Spirit packs up and moves out when the going gets tough! He never looks around and says something like, "I don't recall this being part of the package - I'm outta here!" Holy Spirit lives in  us and He's in it for the long haul.

Ephesians 3:16 says that we are strengthened with might through His spirit in the inner man. We gain strength from His residence in us. He won't jump ship when the going gets tough - He'll never leave us stranded. We can gain strength today knowing that Holy Spirit and the Word are both working inside of us no matter what we face; no matter what we feel.

Today I will meditate on the truth the HE lives IN me. I'll turn my thoughts to the fact that no matter what type of struggle or trial is staring me in the face today - He will walk through it with me and He is working in me in the midst of the storm. Will you join me?

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