When the Word uses Words

Many people think the life of the caregiver is one full of constant distress. In one way this is true in that there is never a dull moment and always something or someone to tend to. But once the initial shock is over, and we accept our role and find a new normal, life just goes on like it does for everybody else.

That's of course not to say that the caregiver's life is an easy one or that we are not concerned and busy with many different tasks....daily. Even though our minds and bodies go a hundred miles an hour all of our waking hours, there can still be an underlying heart peace.

John 14:27 tells us that God gives us a peace that is not like the world's version of peace, which is not peace at all. I have to be the first one to say that not letting my heart be troubled and not letting  my heart be afraid are not easy tasks and it takes a lot of effort on my part.

He gives us His peace; a peace that is way beyond our understanding (Philippians 4:7.It is up to us whether or not we yield our hearts to His peace. It's there - He gave it. But it's on us to tap into it, relax with it and enjoy it.

One of my favorite people is Tyler Perry who writes and plays the character Madea in plays and movies. In Diary of a Mad Woman, Madea shares a word of wisdom straight from Tyler Perry's heart. In this scene Madea is talking about the story where the disciples were in the boat with Jesus and a storm arose and Jesus stood up and said three simple words, Peace be still.

Madea's point is this. Jesus is the word according to John 1:1. And in this story the Word is using words. When the Word speaks words He speaks them in past, present and future tense. So when Jesus said Peace be still.  Peace was already still. So according to Madea (Tyler Perry) peace was still, peace is still and peace is still being still! While Madea's method is a little unorthodox, what she says in this scene is revelatory.

Peace is eternal it is up to us to tap into the source. Then the next task is to keep our hearts there and allow His peace to reign in our hearts. (Colossians 3:15)

Today I will make a conscious effort to allow the peace He gives to rule in my heart. I will fight off anything that comes to disrupt this peace. My meditation will be on how His peace is eternal and never goes away. Today I will rest in His peace. Will you join me?


  1. Thank you for these words!! I am always "looking for peace"...this post assures me that I have peace in Him!

    Thanks for these Daily Devotions for Caregivers...so glad I connected with you and this blog!!

    1. Thank you so much for reading. It's always encouraging to know it's touching other caregivers!


Wait, There's More

 Today's title can be read a couple of different ways. I think maybe where a person is emotionally and mentally might influence how it&#...