No Day Off

Today is a holiday, and for the US it's a wonderful day of celebration. Most of the real world has the day off. There won't be any financial transactions, no mail delivered and most places are closed for the day. But there are no days off  for the caregiver. If you are fortunate enough to have an aide, they will probably have the day off too. And they should have the opportunity to relax and spend time with family and friends. But our day doesn't change much - there are no days off.

When we get up and around this morning, it's highly likely it will look pretty much like any other day. That's not a complaint - it's a statement of fact. As I was thinking about the holiday this morning and trying to decide if I wanted to attempt anything outside our box, I thought of one particular scripture.

Isaiah 40:28 says this: Have you never heard or understood? Don't you know that the Lord is the Everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth? He never grows faint or weary. Not only does He never get tired, Psalm 121:4 says He who watches over Israel never tires nor sleeps. Basically, God never gets a "day off"!

At the same time, He is constantly pouring His strength out to us - those of us who are weary will gain new strength. If you read further in Isaiah 40, it says He offers strength to the weak and He gives power to those who are worn out. (NLT) Some days, I wake up worn out. (Maybe it's just me!)

So while the world enjoys a day off today (and rightly so) I'm going to be running to Him for strength.

Today I will turn all my thoughts and affections toward Him. I will rest in Him and allow Him to pour His strength and power into me. My thoughts will be on how He carries me and He doesn't get tired of it. I'll turn my heart to thanksgiving for His ever abiding presence, His patience and His gentle touch in a rough-around-the-edges kind of life. And I will purposefully thank Him today for never giving up on me, for always being present and for giving me strength for one more day. Will you join me?

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