He Never Gives Up

I've always been open and honest about my feelings and how I have dealt with caregiving. I usually at least try to clean it up a bit before I spill it out on the page for the world to see though. Maybe a "thank you" is in order! (Just kidding - lighten up!)

It seems I've found a way to deal with caregiving at least a little more gracefully than when I started the journey. There are daily struggles, as you all know, and numerous battles along the way. Caregiving isn't for the faint in heart. We give up our dreams, our goals, our jobs, other relationships, and our lives to serve the one we love. On one hand, it's the obvious choice and it seems easy; and on the other hand it's the most difficult job in the world.

One of my biggest struggles personally was giving up ministry. I had goals and dreams and passions that seemed to fall by the wayside as I stepped into the role of caregiving. Over time, I've seen God stir some of those up and even though they look nothing like I thought - He's still doing just what He said. (Imagine that!)

As I was praying about some of these things the other day, I started getting the words to a poem. I figured out that all along - He hadn't given up on me. Not even for a second. I just want to share the poem with you here. It's a bit long (yes, I am long-winded once I get going! lol) but I hope you'll get a little something out of it. And together we can trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?

He Never Gave Up 

He never gave up on me.
He could see what I couldn’t see
When my way became dark and dreary
My body and soul became so weary…
He didn’t give up on me
He could still see
Everything He had put in me.

The difficult path didn’t blind Him
He knew that one day
I’d be at my wit’s end
And still find my way….

I stumbled, fought, and cussed -
He never walked away in disgust
He patiently waited ‘til I figured it out
He knew the cave would get cozy
And that I’d eventually come back out and about

He knew….

I’d be driven to Him in passionate pursuit
But when I turned around I’d found-
I’d never been beyond His reach
In fact, love had kept us bound
Tho I’d tripped, fallen and stumbled around
I found myself bleeding, lying on the ground
Then even my blood cried out to Him
And here I am now – thought all was lost – but I’ve been found.
He never gave up
He never let up
Waiting for me
I was still called
I was still chosen
I was still beloved and free
Because his grace never gave up on me.

© J Olinger March 5, 2017


Wait, There's More

 Today's title can be read a couple of different ways. I think maybe where a person is emotionally and mentally might influence how it&#...