The Day at Hand

What are you doing today?  Don't you love it when someone asks that. If you're like me, you don't bore (or scare) them with all the details that come in the caregiving package. I usually, chuckle and say something like, "Oh nothing extraordinary" or "just normal stuff." Because I know they don't really want to know. And it's certain that they cannot even imagine some of the baser things we have to deal with on a daily basis - those unmentionables! But day after day we do the necessary tasks to ensure our loved ones are taken care of and have what they need. It can be so easy to get our focus on the tasks at hand and forget why we are here in this earth to begin with.

Our role as caregivers wasn't necessarily our plan. As children, we didn't say, "I want to grow up and take care of my son with a brain injury." We just took the hand life dealt us - no matter what "kind" of caregiving we do. But that's not why we were born. It does not define us.

This morning, I was reading in 2 Corinthians 4 and I started thinking about so many of the verses that stuck out to me. These are all still true - or they were never true. God still shines His light in our hearts so we can have the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. (v.6) That light still shines, still beckons, still reveals Him in our hearts. It never stops.

And then what I find interesting is that Paul goes right into how we have this treasure in an earthen vessel. One that experiences pain and loss. One that in Paul's words can become afflicted, perplexed, or persecuted. But through it all Christ is to be continuously revealed in and through us. This purpose doesn't change.

Another thing I noted was that Paul used the phrase don't lose heart two times in this one chapter. I'm guessing he was talking to himself as well as others. Why? Because no matter what we are facing in this body Christ is renewing our inner man. And then he finishes out the chapter talking about our momentary, light afflictions...which cannot even be compared with the glory Christ is working in us. He says it is far beyond all comparison. Those  are some powerful words.

Paul's final thoughts remind us that during our affliction we are to keep our focus - not on the day at hand but on the Eternal Day. We are to keep our heart's focus on what we cannot see - and not on the things we can see. That's not always easy - there's so many things to distract us from the glory He is working in us.

Today I will shift my focus to the work of glory that the presence of Christ is bringing about in me. I will turn my thoughts to the life and power He has placed in me and I will rely on that to carry me today instead of my own strength. I will make my meditations be on this treasure we have in our earthen vessel... this house of clay - holds the Spirit of the Living God. That's empowering. I'll keep my thoughts on eternity today and not on the temporal. And with that - I will find the strength to trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?


  1. "Paul's final thoughts remind us that during our affliction we are to keep our focus - not on the day at hand but on the Eternal Day."

    "I'll keep my thoughts on eternity today and not on the temporal."

    Thank you for your post, as these thoughts encourage me as my grandmother is transitioning. Great is her reward and great shall be her joy as she faces her Savior!

    Trusting God to strengthen my earthen vessel as I continue to work for/with all to aide (spelling intentional) her transition with comfort and peace throughout.

    I lay missed meds, lackadaisical assistance, anger, frustration and hurt at Jesus' feet, trusting He will keep her at peace until He calls her home. I let not my heart be troubled. (John 14:1; 27)

  2. Hey Leslie,
    I'm sorry to hear of your grandmother's state - and pray you find comfort through the days ahead. I pray also that He continues to give you strength throughout. And I am like you - gotta lay down all those occurences down at His feet....I recall misisng a bolus for Chris. I was devastated - felt like I'd failed life's final exam! I learned though that he will live - and I will too. "let" is an action word - a verb - and it takes work to "let our hearts not be troubled" over these things. But He is faithful. Every single time we come to Him - and even when we don't.

    Thank you for sharing your heart, and thanks for reading.


Wait, There's More

 Today's title can be read a couple of different ways. I think maybe where a person is emotionally and mentally might influence how it&#...