But if Not

This morning, my Bible fell open to the Psalms and I began to read down through Psalm 15 and 16. As I was reading, a few things stuck out to me. The psalmist starts out in Psalm 16 with the declaration: I take refuge in  You.  He declares that God is Lord and there is "no good" besides Him. The rest of the psalm he continues blessing God and realizing many of the ways God has been a blessing to him.

Sometimes it's just about shifting our focus off of what's going on around us, in us, or even to us - and getting it back on Him. Life can be so distracting at times. For me - I've been on overload for a few weeks, hence my absence, but I'm working my way back to focusing on Him and not on all the craziness of caregiving.

As I read through Psalm 16 this morning there were several things that popped out to me. Things that the psalmist said that reminded me of having "no good besides You." Like:

  • the Lord is my inheritance (v.5)
  • He is my "cup of blessing"
  • He guards what is mine
  • He guides me (v.7)
  • At night - He instructs me
  • He is always with me (v.8)
  • He is beside me - so I won't be shaken
  • He shows me the way of life (v11)
  • He grants me the joy of His presence
I thought about these things for awhile - long enough to do what David did - encourage myself in the Lord. It was funny how just a slight shift of focus can bring refreshing and relief. Now to stay there!

As I was reading, I thought about how easily distracted I can be. It's not difficult for the caregiver as life itself can be a distraction. Right? While meditating - getting back on track - I thought - I'm not bowing to this life. I won't give in to the distraction. And then, the three Hebrew children popped into my head. Remember when they were being forced to bow down to another god - and they refused? I feel like that today.

The world, life and even caregiving itself can play its own music to try and draw us away and make our thoughts follow different streams. But today, like the three facing a literal fiery furnace - my heart says - But if not.

That's what they told the king. They said - Our God  is able  to deliver us - but if not we still will not bow to your gods. That's how I feel today - God could sweep down like a knight in shining armor and sweep down to rescue us. But if not -  I still won't bow down to worship the way of this world or the gods of this world.

Today I am shifting my focus back to Him. I will declare He is my refuge! I choose to bow down to His lordship and kingship in my life and will not let my circumstances be my taskmaster. My thoughts today will be on how He is my refuge - He is the "good" in my life... I will look no further. My meditations will be on His ever abiding presence and how He chooses to walk this piece of time with me. I'll praise Him for guarding my heart, for instructing my heart - and for never leaving my heart. And with that - I choose to rest in Him for one more day. Will you join me?


  1. I LOVE the phrase, "But if Not"....once God gave me a similar one, "But God..." I will remember yours too. Awesome revelation, thank you for sharing

    1. Hey Dodi,
      I think that resolve "but if not..." is what I'm looking for. No matter what comes our way - he remains the same and He remains with me. What more could I need? :-)

      Thanks for reading!

  2. While it is very different on this side of the journey, I can definitely say 'amen' to "My thoughts today will be on how He is my refuge - He is the "good" in my life... I will look no further. My meditations will be on His ever abiding presence and how He chooses to walk this piece of time with me."


  3. Hey Leslie! Nice to see you again. I think the glory of it all is that no matter where we are on our journey BC (before caregiving) or after - or anywhere in between he is still our refuge. One thing that I've found helpful is that He was my refuge before - and I was familiar with it - so that during caregiving in Him was still the most comfortable place to be!

    It has also been great comfort to know He is ALWAYS with me - no matter what life brings, or doesn't bring, He is the constant in my life... that ever-abiding presence I cling to.

    Thanks so much for reading and sharing!


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