Some Things Never Change - And that's a Good Thing!

This morning I kept thinking about an old song. I like to hear my sister, Kenella sing it. It's called The Anchor Holds. It talks about a ship that is battered and torn but that it's held sure by the anchor. No matter what the storm does to the ship - the anchor holds secure.

Since I had the anchor on my mind, I decided to look it up in a concordance. One scripture stood out to me. It's Hebrews 6:19 and it says this hope we have as an anchor for the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast. I like to read verses in context, so I backed up and read the entire chapter.

It's talking about Abraham and how he hoped against hope and held to the promise of God.If you back up a couple of verses, you'll see that God simply wants to show us the promise of the unchangeableness of His purpose. It can be so easy for His purpose to get lost in caregiving. However, it's only lost to us - we just can't see it. But His purpose is never lost, never wasted and remains even in caregiving.

God wants to draw us to Himself. He wants to be up-close-and-personal with each of us - and His desire to walk life out with us (in us) doesn't change just because we became a caregiver. His promises still hold true - they never change. He still promises us peace - in the midst of the storm. He still promises us joy. He still promises to provide. These never change - neither does His purpose for us.

Philippians 1:6 reminds us that He who began a good work in you  - will complete it! He never abandons ship because life got difficult. It never takes a turn He did not expect. This is our anchor - that He is both sure and steadfast. He never lets us go. He never changes His mind. His purpose for us is still the same. He still lives in us - and didn't move out because we hit a rough spot.

Today I will be thankful that His purpose still stands. I'll meditate on the truth that He longs for fellowship with us - no matter what the circumstances are in our lives. I will give thanks that life doesn't get too complicated for Him - He is not perplexed and He will not change His mind. And so today, I will rest in the truth that the hope of His purpose is still the anchor that holds my soul. And I will trust Him for one more day - will you join me?


  1. "And so today, I will rest in the truth that the hope of His purpose is still the anchor that holds my soul." Yes.

    Hope has been on my heart a lot lately. Obviously holidays make you miss a loved one more - I've realized that I've been grieving Mama going on 2 years now, not 6 months. The 'benefit' is that I'm further along the path, so to speak. Everything's not so fresh. But yesterday I really was missing her smile, missing the 'good' days, the love, the intimacy involved in caregiving (I think you know what I mean). But the anchor of my soul, the HOPE I have, is that her smile is now eternally shining with Jesus, and I'll see it again. And clinging to that hope is what puts the smile back on My face. Thank you for the reminder <3

    1. Yes - I pray that God continues to bring you comfort and hope - and that you are blessed with the sweetest of memories of your mama. thank God for hope!


  2. I found this in another devotional today. I pray it encourages you as it did me.

  3. and here it is :)


Wait, There's More

 Today's title can be read a couple of different ways. I think maybe where a person is emotionally and mentally might influence how it&#...