A Race Well Run

This weekend was my annual trip to Ft. Worth with my daughter. We take the train down and run a couple of races and just hang out together. It's always so refreshing and fun. We ran the 5K together on Saturday morning, and then yesterday I ran the half marathon. We got medals for the races and I got a third medal for running two races in two days. This morning, I was looking at the medals and thinking. Don't get me wrong - I love my medals. I earned them! But I think the true reward was in getting up this morning and having the satisfaction of a race well run.

Immediately I thought of Hebrews 11:6. Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (NASB) I thought about that for a little while. I know when time is done, we'll get a reward. We will get a crown of life, plus we get to live with Him for eternity. I wonder sometimes if us caregivers get extra! lol

It's going to be wonderful, of course. Gold streets. Beautiful colors. Angels singing. Being with Jesus!!!! But the reward may be just the fact that He says, well done. I think just knowing we did it - will be rewarding. Knowing we kept the faith even during some of the most difficult situations life can throw at us. Knowing we did it. You know?

But I also think we can feel that right here and right now. Looking around and realizing we live in situations by choice that are "not fair" or not what many people would choose. I think feeling that He is pleased with me and my choice to provide care for my son is a reward in itself. As caregivers, we're sort of a different breed, and I think we look like Him - and we please Him. That's reward enough for me to make it through this day.

Today is one of those crazy days you have after a break - that sometimes keeps you from taking the break to begin with. lol (Some of you know what I mean!) But in each task that gets done, in each step through each day, we can rest assured that He is our reward. David said in Psalm 73:26 - My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. To me - that is reward enough. Whether I get a "medal" in heaven at the end of this race called life or not - I am satisfied that He is my portion. His satisfaction with me is my reward. I can wake up each morning in time knowing I'll hear well done and I'll be satisfied.

Today I will turn my thoughts to pleasing Him. I'll think about this race of life and running it with faith in Him knowing He is my portion, not just in time, but forever. My meditations will be on having faith that pleases Him, and actions that follow that faith. I'll rest in Him as I trust Him to carry me through one more day. Will you join me?

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