All Generations

It was a full Mother's Day here. My daughter and SIL helped me load up Chris and my aunt to go be with my mom for MD. Talk about a sight! We got Aunt Polly in one car and loaded Chris and his chair in the other. I teased about having a mobile nursing home. lol But it was worth it to see my mom and her sister together. We also got some 4-generation pictures I may share later.

After we got home last night, my aunt and I discussed some of the hard decisions she and I are having to make. It's such a delicate subject, but so a part of caregiving. I'm glad to have her input, but I'm not sure we can do it like she wants. We will see.

I was pretty stressed out - but I think I'm also learning a lot about life, faith, caregiving and myself with this new perspective on caregiving. After we talked awhile, I reminded her of Psalm 90:1 where Moses wrote, Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations. The four generations represented at the celebration today all trust Him. It thrills my heart to see the younger ones continuing in ministry - they are the 14th generation of ministry in our family. God has been our dwelling place - He is now our dwelling place and He will continue to be our dwelling place as future generations continue to know and trust Him.

While that ministered to me a lot, it also got me to thinking. (I know - that really surprises you, right? lol) Moses wrote this psalm. Moses came on the scene in the first parts of Exodus. There had been many generations already who knew and trusted God. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jakob, Joseph..... when Moses wrote it though, I wonder if he had a clue that here in 2018 we'd be reading it with many thousands of generations between us...and we're still acknowledging Him as our dwelling place. When we say "He has been our dwelling place in all generations" we cover a LOT more territory than when Moses first wrote it.

I look at the oldest family member, Aunt Polly at 85 (don't tell her I told you her age), and the youngest at the reunion yesterday, my great-niece Emma at nearly 2 and I think - throughout all our generations He continues to be our dwelling place. We've been through so many things like all the other families out there, but He continues to carry, shelter, protect and provide.

Today I will just be grateful that He didn't jump out when I hit the scene. I'll thank Him that He didn't look at my double-caregiving situation and say He'd reached His limit. He continues to carry, to hold, to protect and provide. He is still my dwelling place - and He isn't going to change that. He presented Himself to the world as a hiding place and a shelter before He ever said, "Let there be light." That just blows my mind. And I'll just let it as I crawl up next to His heart today - and dwell in Him as I trust Him for just one more day. Will you join me?

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Wait, There's More

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