Attention Getters Got You?

This week my personal devotions have been about finding Him in that quiet place. It's so easy to be busy as a caregiver. It's often difficult to find time to be still and if you're anything like me, even if I get a minute to sit, then my mind is running full throttle with things I need to do as soon as I get up. Usually, if I do get a half of a chance to sit it's with pen and paper to make a new list of the most important things I've got to do today.

Just yesterday I found a phrase in Zechariah 1:11. The last bit of that verse said this: all the earth is resting quietly. That got me to thinking a lot about what that might look like. My thoughts tried to form a place, any place, that was totally resting quietly. I also looked deep in my own heart to see if I could find a spot in there that matched. Then, I thought about all the "things" we have going on constantly. There are so many things, often important things, vying for our attention 24/7. We have tv, radio, the internet, our "smart" phones, facebook and messenger dinging at us unceasingly. There really might not be a quiet second in our worlds from the time we get up in the morning until we hit the bed at night. Add to this culture the necessary actions that caregiving demands and you've got a day completely full of things that need to be done screaming for your attention.

I could not come up with an image in my very vivid imagination for all the earth is resting quietly. 

My thoughts then led me back to Psalm 46:10 - be still and know I am God. Can caregivers find a 10-second spot to just quiet our souls and be still before Him to acknowledge He is still our God? It can be very difficult to do, but when we do it is more than rewarding. It's in that quiet stillness that He meets us and reassures us that He has us in His hands. Even two or three seconds of total rest in Him can help us balance out our emotions and make the day.

Today, I'm going to purposefully work toward finding a stillness in myself where I can lean on Him. I'll meditate on the truth that He is still God and no situation or circumstance can ever change that. I'll acknowledge between me and Him that He's is still my God and I'm not looking for another. I'll quiet myself in the hectic culture of caregiving enough to find His peace and let it overtake me. Will you join me?

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