When It's all Said and Done

Over the last few weeks, I've been tied up moving two special needs adults. My daughter and SIL bought a large 5 bed, 3 bath house so we could combine households. The goal is to just be here for each other. While we are waiting for my aunt's assisted living apartment to come available, we have four generations under one roof.

The last few days have been kind of hectic as we all adjust to some new normals. Even though moving is unsettling and disorganized at best - I know when it's all said and done it'll be better for us. I look at the chaos in my room and in Chris' room and still wonder if I'll ever get us settled in or not. The obvious answer is I will.. eventually.

Sometimes our emotions can feel all unsettled and disorganized too. Okay, maybe that's most days for caregivers. I know I can be all over the place at any given moment on any given day. Yesterday was one of those days. My emotions were stretched and I felt as tight as a rubber band stretched to its limits. Then for no apparent reason, there was just this peace. It was unexplainable but undeniable. I was okay.

At one point, I was listening to my heart sing, what a wonderful name it is while my head was trying to figure out my own name. When it's all said and done - it's His name that matters. It's the heart that matters, not the head. I know ultimately- He is my peace. He is my strength. He is my comfort. He is my companion. He is my all. And when it's all said and done- no matter how crazy the day is or how behind I feel - He's got this. He's got me. And that is what matters most.

It may look chaotic, but today, I will remind myself that I am tucked safely away in His heart where nothing can get to me. My meditations will be on his constant concern for me - that's right - for ME! (and you!) I'll think about how He truly cares and takes care of me from start to finish. I'll turn my thoughts to the truth that when it's all said and done - He's already done it all. I'll rest in Him as I trust Him for one more day - will you join me?

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